Why This Book Should Exist
Chapter 1: The Myth about Information – What’s Really Behind it?
Chapter 2: Water – the Foundation of All Life and Our Greatest Information Storage
Chapter 3: Our Senses as Information – How You Influence with Your Words
Why Empathy in Communication Matters So Much
How We See With and Without Our Eyes
What information does music provide us with?
Why Sometimes It Would Be Better to Be a Dog
You are what you eat
How Intuition and Remote Viewing Truly Lead Us to Our Destination
Chapter 4: How the Blueberry Found Me!
Chapter 5: Do Medications Contain Information too?
Chapter 6: What Heals Without Healing?
Placebo Effect
Nocebo Effect
Chapter 7: Take Care of Your Seahorse!
Chapter 8: InflammMMation – Cause of Diseases?
Chapter 9: Why It Sometimes Would Be Better to Be a Mouse
Chapter 10: You are a wonder, you just don’t know it (yet)!
Chapter 11: Hilde and Ulrich, 185 Years of Life Experience In
Their Own Words
Hilde, youthful 92 years old
Ulrich Hebel, at the age of 93, continues to show up at the company every day
Chapter 12: Your Heart, More Than Just a Muscle
Chapter 13: My Journey into Information Medicine
Chapter 14: There is more between Heaven and Earth, but what do I gain from it now?
Chapter 15: Take Control of Your Life!
Chapter 16: Your Steps Towards Chronic Health!
Health Checklist
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